Use "taint|tainted|tainting|taints" in a sentence

1. Meat taints readily in hot weather.

2. You worried about getting caught intentionally tainting evidence?

3. The untrusted data is referred to as tainted data, while the code ensuring that the data is not malicious is called a sanitizer, and is often said to clean the taint.

4. Specific instances in which a Beat issue can arise include the following: Offshore Investor taints the investee company – an Offshore Investor and its Affiliates can “taint” a new investee company, thereby subjecting the new investee company to Beat

5. The meat was tainted.

6. Meat will readily taint in close weather.

7. The taint Bandaid is only partially Bandaid

8. Such is the taint in us.

9. Rancid oil will taint the flavour.

10. Detesting the evil taint of Bhaal, Balthazar

11. Bad books will taint the young mind.

12. The warm weather will taint the food.

13. The administration was tainted with scandal.

14. Reading bad books tainted his mind.

15. No longer is it tainted as mystic, for here, with no one passing judgment, no experience is tainted.

16. Moral taint has spread among young people.

17. No taint of dishonor ever touched him.

18. Synonyms for Besmearing include smearing, daubing, bedaubing, staining, sullying, dirtying, soiling, smudging, anointing and tainting

19. Corked wine is a term for a wine that has become contaminated with cork taint. Cork taint is not simply the taste of a cork

20. Because their breaths with sweetmeats tainted are:

21. His reputation was tainted by the scandal.

22. His mind was tainted with evil thoughts.

23. • Corked is British slang for drunk, intoxicated • Having acquired an unpleasant taste from the cork • (of wine) tainted in flavor by a cork containing excess tannin • A term referring to a bottle that is suffering from the taint of TCA

24. * The Fall of Adam tainted mankind with “original sin.”

25. DeBased: See: depraved , dissolute , ignoble , sordid , tainted , vicious

26. His political reputation is tainted by the matter.

27. Allegations of fraud had tainted recent municipal elections.

28. There seems to be a taint of drunkenness in his family.

29. Synonyms for Attainting include disgracing, shaming, degrading, debasing, staining, tainting, defaming, discrediting, dishonouring and stigmatising

30. Schemes, assassinations, and political intrigues tainted their office.

31. Nor is this evidence tainted by scientific misbehavior.

32. William Wallace, you stand in taint of high treason.

33. I understood the taint that adheres to everything domestic.

34. The enquiry cleared him of any taint of suspicion/dishonesty.

35. He was considered tainted by association with the corrupt regime.

36. Were those lobsters tainted by upstream pollutants or not?

37. It was raining, thin trickles of water sliding down the window, tainting the air with dampness.

38. Everything possible should be done to free them from the economic taint.

39. Warning: Cadaverine is absolutely putrid and it taints everything that it comes into contact with

40. Synonyms for Besmirches include defiles, stains, befouls, soils, contaminates, pollutes, spoils, spots, taints and tarnishes

41. Synonyms for Besmears include smears, daubs, bedaubs, stains, sullies, dirties, soils, smudges, anoints and taints

42. Synonyms for Besmirching include defiling, staining, befouling, soiling, contaminating, polluting, spoiling, spotting, tainting and tarnishing

43. The Paralympics have also been tainted by steroid use.

44. His reputation was permanently tainted by the financial scandal.

45. The water had been tainted with a deadly toxin.

46. Tainted in flavor by an unsound cork: Corked port

47. Tainted Alpha is seen when money managers invest in …

48. Her government never really shook off the taint of corruption.

49. The taint of politics in conservation is not peculiar to the federal agencies.

50. The human disease occurred after people ate tainted beef products.

51. The lake water is tainted with chemicals from the factory.

52. Baker argues that his trial was tainted by negative publicity.

53. 3 The water had been tainted with a deadly toxin.

54. The tainted liquor can lead to fits , vomiting and death .

55. Therefore, their consent is tainted by duress and is invalid.

56. For I too had been tainted, and not without blemish.

57. Three cabinet members tainted with influence-peddling had to go.

58. 6 The potentially tainted gruel reached more than 80 countries.

59. Such a thing would ruin my husband, and taint my father's name.

60. The city has suffered for many years under the taint of corruption.

61. Contaminate, taint, pollute, and defile mean to make impure or unclean

62. A Corked wine is one that has been contaminated with cork taint, and this contamination gives off a very distinct smell and taste. Cork taint occurs in a small percentage of all natural corks

63. Blaver, Category: Artist, Singles: Crawl Back, Still Love Me, Tainted (feat

64. Opposition leaders said that the elections had been tainted by corruption.

65. Maximilian is oftentimes tainted after volute Hamish Barricadoes his improvvisatore invaluably.

66. Then, slowly, he began to take a terrible joy in his taint.

67. There are two common wine faults with Wine, cork taint and oxidation.

68. The motivation for money (either in rewards, salaries or advertising revenue) is sometimes seen as a corrupting influence, tainting a sport.

69. She could smell the taint of sin in the most innocent of passions.

70. Another word for Contaminate: pollute, infect, stain, corrupt, taint Collins English Thesaurus

71. Neither were judicial and court officials free from the taint of corruption.

72. 11 Marauder: A mage given over to dynamism, and tainted by insanity.

73. Morari Medical, the company behind the taint Bandaid, had a fairly minimalistic booth.

74. What does Cleanness mean? The definition of Cleanness means not being dirty or tainted

75. By age thirty, $ 500, 000-and that sum had the taint of the mediocre.

76. Her new life in London had become tainted with the deaths of adoring males.

77. 12:17) Their motivation is not tainted with a desire to be “somebody.”

78. 26 It appeared the water supply had been tainted with a deadly toxin.

79. Over the years, Sasy has become known for Contentious lyrics that Iranian conservatives see as tainting the country’s moral probity

80. 50 synonyms for Besmirch: tarnish, damage, soil, stain, smear, taint, blacken, daub, slander, sully